Cleaning, Storing, and Freezing Clams


Tips On Cleaning, Storing, and Freezing Clams:

Cleaning Clams:
Place clams into a bucket of fresh water for 30 minutes, not overnight as the clams will drown. When reserving the broth: shuck the clams, place broth into a dish and let settle. Pass the settled broth through a cheesecloth, at least twice. Discarding the bottom of the settled broth, this is usually where most of the sand and pieces of shells settle.

Storing Clams:
Clams can be put in the refrigerator for up to one week. However, they can dry out. You can keep them over ice in a cooler or in the refrigerator, just make sure they stay out of water as they will drown. Never keep clams in a plastic bag as they will suffocate and don’t leave them in fresh clean water for more than thirty minutes.

Freezing Clams:
Clams can be frozen in their shells, great for Garlic Butter Steamed Clams.
Shucked clams can be placed in a freezer safe container in the freezer along with the strained juices for up to 3 months.


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